Friday, February 7, 2014

The AAEM Emergency Medicine Textbook

The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) is the specialty society of emergency medicine. AAEM is a democratic organization committed to great principles.

AAEM is proud to be celebrating 20 years at the specialty society of emergency medicine. We kicked off the celebration at the 19th Annual Scientific Assembly in Las Vegas in February and will be highlighting AAEM's history and founders throughout 2013.

AAEM spent two years developing a comprehensive written board review AAEM Emergency Medicine Textbook. Emergency Medicine: A Focused Review of the Core Curriculum is a 22-chapter text like the Rivers emergency medicine textbook written by experts on each topic and targeted at graduating EM residents, emergency physicians approaching recertification and EM residents taking the annual in-service exam. The AAEM textbook also serves as a comprehensive review of emergency medicine for the motivated medical student. The book includes color images and a 225 question practice in-service examination.

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